Leafy roof with autumn colors

Not leaky, one hopes.

Green roofs (interesting Wikipedia entry here) are very popular among the environmentally conscious set these days, but I'd not seen one quite like this before. This is a view from our balcony and you might like to compare this shot with one from April to see the changes in the foliage.

A few tidbits from the Wiki article:

  • Following this (refers to Chicago City Hall example - Z) and other studies, it has now been estimated that if all the roofs in a major city were "greened," urban temperatures could be reduced by as much as 12 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Switzerland has one of Europe's oldest green roofs, created in 1914 at the Moos lake water-treatment plant, Wallishofen, Zürich.
  • Even in high-rise urban settings as tall as 19 stories, it has been found that green roofs can attract beneficial insects, birds, bees and butterflies.


Janet said...

Oh, things are getting really red over there!

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

12 degrees F!!! wow!!! that would be so much!!!!! i enjoyed flitting through the Wikipedia link u mentioned here ...thank u !

claude said...

Very nice. It looks like a painting by Claude Monet.

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of this being done in some of the cities now. Sod on top of the roofs keeps the temperatures down I guess. I like your roof. It is colorful.

Chuckeroon said...

Nice post, nice photo. You are fortunate to have that view. Plant wheat and it could be harvested!

Ming the Merciless said...

Gorgeous photo! I love the flowers and greeneries.

Lynette said...

This is SO interesting, this green roof stuff. Remember my photo of Portland's skyline with what looked like grass in the forefront? That was a bit of the 5th floor roof garden (a green roof) at the building where I work--I took the photo from the 6th floor windows. I especially enjoy the roof garden at lunch or break time, a few moments in the sun or eating outside on the patio beside the roof garden are treats all year round. Plus there are informative display here and there on the patio that explain all about how the garden came about and its many benefits. Thanks for reminding me of how much I enjoy it, with your beautiful fall photo!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Just beautiful! Love it!