View from our balcony at 09:39

There's something about a clear blue sky that lifts my spirits. This was the view from our balcony earlier this morning. As you can see, there are a lot of trees and shrubs in our "backyard" and once the leaves come in, the other houses will not be visible. There's also a little stream that runs through there. I'm working on making a sound recording of that to put on the blog. All my attempts to date (with the movie mode of the camera) just sound like white noise so it might be an exercise in futility.

Other posts with views from our balcony can be seen here (20070320), here (20070319) and here (20070209).



~tanty~ said...

You have a nice views from your balcony. Lucky you :)

angela said...

There's something about a clear sky that lifts your spirits. Nice to wake up to.