Spring crop with yellow blossoms

This is one view you'll see if you step into the fields as you walk from Stilli to Villigen along Hauptstrasse. The crop seems to be something like broccoli or rapeseed (Raps in German, a variant of which is Canola, a trademarked cultivar developed in Canada in 1978) from which Rapsöl (rapeseed oil) is made. They're both members of the mustard or cabbage family: Brassicaceae. I'll either have to ask someone working in the fields or go over daily to see whether it's broccoli!

If you're wondering about the pipe coming down the slope in the background, that's the
conveyor system for rocks for Holcim, the cement plant. (Map)

This post has been edited after the input of some readers.


Greg said...

The crop is probably the plant that canola oil is made from. You'll see a lot of it planted here in CH.


Spring is most certainly in the air! Many thanks for your comments over at Toruń DP! For sure, I will add a picture of a "mohair beret" just for you!!!

edwin s said...

hello z!

this is such a picturesque shot. makes me want to pull up my trousers, take off my sandals and run like a little boy.

Deb said...

Your rural views are outstanding! Looks like Spring is in full-bloom...

Ming the Merciless said...

Great information and beautiful photo. It looks so peaceful and relaxing.