Please make a knot into the bag!

Eric in Paris had a post about the dog poop left on the streets of the City of Light. In Switzerland, people are generally quite good about cleaning up after their canines and the process is made easier by the presence of these boxes meant specifically for doggie doo-doo. This one was in the woods near Vogelsang. Somewhat weirdly, at least to me, they're called Robidog, which sounds like a mutt with a rabid robot parentage.



AinZ said...

Hi Z--saw your comment. no, the problem wasn't on your end. I've been having trouble posting since Monday. I deleted and republished the post for about the 5th time...and it seems to be up now. But my pics have been showing up, then disappearing a few hours later. lets see how long this lasts. I'll have to redo the 2nd blog at home when I have more time. do you have a dog in CH? I really want one but can't because I'm at work all day..

Z said...

No dogs, two cats.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me that I walked our dog, Autumn Eve most mornings for 13 years and always carried a pancake turned and a paper bag and always cleaned up after her toilet. I would want people to do the same. But we have some nitwits who think our sidewalks and the grass around them are one big public litter box for their critters.

Thanks for stopping at my blog and having a look at my squirrel on the skylight.

blueboat said...

What a good idea. dog poo is a real problem in some of the streets in my neighbourhood - it always amazes me how irresponsible some dog owners can be.

Ming the Merciless said...

How civilized!! I get dog poo outside my apartment all the time. Eck!!