After the winds

I don't know if the recent high winds uprooted this tree, but the timing would be about right, given the last time we walked by. The top of the tree had landed across the path, but it has been sawn off and put to the side.

Ich weiss nicht ob der Wind den Baum entwurzelt hat, aber es würde zeitlich passend.



Anonymous said...

Hello from Joensuu!
Thank you for your comment on my site.
I have answered to you, but I thank you also here for an idea of a new post :)

Switzerland is a beautiful country, it nice to see photos from there!

Good day to you!

Ame said...

Z! Hi again! =)

You mean you've BEEN to a BIG LOTS?!? Where are you from? Surely they don't have one THERE do they? And stop calling me "Shirley!" LOL! ;)

Sorry, just get all excited to think someone in Villigen knows about Big Lots! I told ya I was a little odd!

Have a good one! HEY! I'm half German...too bad I never learned the language...maybe someday I'll pick it up again...if I find a suitable tutor! ;)

Haben Sie einen schönen Tag (how was that? I cheated...don't tell anyone! Yahoo's Babel Fish!)

Ame said...



Sigh~~~~~~~~~~~you're near ZURICH!

But wait, that looks like German...I'm sooooooooo confused!

LOL! Just humor me...it's been a crazy past couple of days!
