Blackbird, camouflaged

After a long stretch of overcast skies, we finally got a break a couple of days ago. Of course I had to sieze the opportunity to get some photographs.

This blackbird was looking for sustenance in the compost heap near Volg (20080601 frisch und freundlich), the village shop. Note the orange and banana peels. Such tropical fruits were once so uncommon and dear in northern climes, now no one gives them a second thought. One day later this year, I'll tell you about the new tropical-greenhouse project in a place called Frutigen. There the warm ground water (100 liters a second, at 20°C) that flows out of an immense tunnel through the Alps is used as the primary heat source.



Julie said...

I could not for the life of me work this out from the portal image. He looks a smidge bedraggled and sad really. Was he okay?

Z said...

Julie: It is an odd image and I hesitated to post it. As for the bird, he was jumping around and finally flew away, but I can't say that he was 100% together. The fact that I was able to get as close as I did probably indicates that he had some problems.

Halcyon said...

Poor guy... he has to eat out of the bins. He does look really sad.

CeciliaGallerani said...

This is gorgeous and strange. The world is full of scenes one would not have imagined on one's own. (From the words "blackbird on a compost pile," I would never have thought of something so beautiful.) Thanks, Z.

Baron's Life said...

I think this is a master piece...very publishable. You can probably sell this one for a King's ranson

claude said...

Life is hard to everyone !