Chapel walkway with snow

A side door to the little chapel in Villigen. Seen before here (summer edition 20070614) and here (the chapel 20070131) among other appearances (click on the church label below to see all posts relating to this and other churches that have appeared on this blog).



Julie said...

This is so ... so ... ethereal.

I love the lines and the shapes and the colours. Yet again, you are probably going to tell me that this is full-colour ...

Virginia said...

Quietly beautiful. I just love the contrast of the dark wood and the snow.

Tanya Breese said...

This is stunning...love the undisturbed snow.

Z said...

Julie: Yup, I didn't engage in any color trickery. The shot is a little overexposed though -- the light metering gets upset with the snow.

Virginia and Tanya: Thank you for your comments.

CeciliaGallerani said...

I'm drawn to the contrast, too. The chapel seems almost to be made of snow itself.

Janet said...

Wow! This is so peaceful, and I love the lines of the chapel door.

Anonymous said...

So pure! so white!
It's a call for Silence and Meditation

Jane Hards Photography said...

It is such a delightful image so crisp and clean just the toe colours of white and brown. I could look at this fo a very long time

Tash said...

Winter wonderland at it's best. Really a lovely, tranquil photo.