Barn woodwork

Panels above the doors to a barn in the village.



Julie said...

Terrific colour - and so solid. Reminds me of the colour of the skin of the IceMan.

Do the panels have any utilitarian purpose - say, shutters? Or are they purely decorative?

Halcyon said...


CeciliaGallerani said...

Lovely. So many of your photos put me in mind of what the writer/mathematician/architect Christopher Alexander calls "simplicity and inner calm" -- one of the properties of good design. Perhaps this is also a characteristic of Villigen in general.

Z said...

Julie: Purely decorative, AFAIK. Isn't it great?

Halcyon: Thanks for your comment.

mk: Thanks for the reference to Alexander. I didn't know about him and your comment made me look him up on Wikipedia. I'm looking forward to reading more about his work.