Planned and unplanned

The first time I saw how the planted fields run into wildflower patches, I was surprised. It is possible that it is done intentionally, to attract pollinators such as bees. There are certainly a lot of them and butterflies buzzing and flitting around the area.

The deep shadow in the foreground makes it difficult to appreciate the wildflowers, so I've uploaded a 1280 pixel x 1024 pixel photo (more than 40% of my visitors have monitors of that size) to allow a slighly closer look. Click on the image to see it.



Anonymous said...

The enlarged view really looks great. I just thought about wildflowers mixed with fields of grain today. And here you have it there.

I answered your question about the water pump on my blog but also brought part of that answer over here since I had to come to repay your visit with my visit.

I must say that I admire what you are doing in photography and the colors and pictures you are showing are really well done.

The pump you saw and asked about is a kind of plastic, or hard something, thing that is supposed to look like a real pump. As I said, I never saw one like this one here in the states. It is used with a tiny water pump that is run by electric and it recirculates the water in the "plastic" barrel. The way it was or the way it came was really dumb but we changed everything to make it look more like the real thing might look.

My wife and I have always had hand pumps.

The water pumps that pull water up from deep wells that are drilled several hundred feet deep and lined with steel well casings, have the long handles to get the leverage to pump the water up.

The short handled ones are almost always only used for cisterns and hand dug wells only 10 or 20 feet deep at the most.

I will go to the bison pumps to see what they got.

Thanks for stopping and leaving a comment and question.

Kris McCracken said...

Abe is right, the enlarged view is even better.

I have myself a new wallpaper for the computer today!

MJ said...

Hi Z..I like the enlarged picture too.. pretty little flowers..

A field with wild flowers mixed with crops is something we don't get to see here at a tropical country.

Anonymous said...

The wildflowers in the shade up close are most delightful. Those fields over yonder that go up the side of the hill would be a trifle hard to till I would think.

Z said...

Danke to you all!

Chuckeroon said...

Nice one Z. The "untouched" areas are also a special provision for - in England, anyway - Skylarks to nest in. It gives the "groundnesters" a safe area to thrive in.

Anonymous said...

Help the honeybees! Prevent the loss of the world food supply.
Learn how you can help cure Colony Collapse Disorder.
Visit thebeetree(dot)org.