Destination unknown

Unknown to me at this time -- I'm trying to find out a little bit of what happens to Swiss crops and specifically what happens to the stuff grown around here. Since this is probably barley rather than wheat, it's probably headed to become food rather than a fuel of a different kind.



Chuckeroon said...

Good to see that you are staying alert! Suggest that for barley you chase the route to either brewing or bread or cattle feed: depends on the quality/farmers' intention when planting.

Anonymous said...

It has a nice head of grain. It reminds me of a ripe field of something little grown here. I even looked on Google to see if it was something I could remember but wheat, oats, rye and timothy didn't ring or show any similarities.

Then I looked at chuckeroon's comment and "barley," and while the images I did see look the same, what I saw also looked skinny in comparison.

Kitty said...

wonderful photo. I love it!

Victor said...

Beautiful and universal image.

claude said...

I think so. That is barley
Here is what I found on Wiki
L’orge, céréale secondaire, est une importante ressource énergétique en alimentation animale (orge de mouture) mais pauvre en protéines et demande à être complétée.

En alimentation humaine son principal débouché est la brasserie. L’orge germé et grillé donne le malt, dont le produit de fermentation est la bière. Les malteurs sont exigeants en terme de calibrage et de teneur en protéines qui doit rester faible. Ce sont les variétés de printemps qui ont leur préférence

L'orge perlé peut être utilisé en salades composées, avec des légumes, ou ajouté dans les potages.

Dans l'Antiquité, l'orge était l'aliment de base des Grecs qui la consommaient sous la forme d'une galette appelée maza. Celle-ci se confectionnait chez soi et se mangeait en tous lieux. Thucydide (III, 49) évoque ainsi les marins d'Athènes à Mytilène qui s'en nourrissent "sans quitter le banc des rameurs".

Food for animals
We can put barley in salads
with barley together with hops bewers make beer.

USelaine said...

I love the shape of cereal seed heads, and this is beautifully composed.

Any messages filtered by the White House propaganda staff can't be trusted.

GMG said...

Hi Z! Etter for food than for fuel...
Also loved to see the No smoking sign; amazing! The first time I see one covering everything, including a silent pipe... ;))
Have a great Sunday!
Meanwhile, Blogtrotter, now on its last post on Santiago de Compostela, waits for your comments... ;))

Anonymous said...

You're right, Z! Most of our village's barley goes to Brugg (closest town) where it's bought by the agricultural co-op (www.landi.ch) - depending on it's quality it's either for human or animal purposes, but not for fuel ;-)

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

Love the image..the gold and the blue look great together.....