Balcony with prayer flags

Interesting juxtaposition of the age-old Tibetan prayer flags with the steel-cable balcony railing. I could file this under my "the old and the new" collection. For a larger view of the balcony, see my overflow blog:
More of the prayer flags



Chuckeroon said...

....so are we to make a rough translation as "gain merit by learning to suffer in silence"?

I like your juxtaposition.

Z said...

I've been struggling with the translation which is why I haven't mentioned anything about it; you might have it there. I should ask my former Deutsch teacher.

claude said...

Very interesting the link about the prayer flags.

Anonymous said...

I've been holding off commenting for the same reasons. I can't make out some of the words, especially 3 and the last one. I thought it might be "Wer sich alleine nicht ertragen kann" (He who cannot suffer/bear/endure on his own)
Sollte sich Andern nicht,,, (Should not others .....)

Is that a box with some chalk and a duster underneath? For budding passing epithetists

Z said...

Richard: As far as I can make out, it reads Wer sich alleine nicht ertragen kann, sollte sich Andern nicht zumuten. So, to build on your start, those who cannot endure on their own shouldn't expect anything from others.

Z said...

According to the aforementioned teacher, the saying can be restated as follows: Man sich selber lieben muss, um andere lieben zu können. So, one must love oneself before one is able love others, or is it before one can be loved by others. I don't want to ask my teacher again.

Anonymous said...

Aha - does this mean it has been ironically turned on its head - "learn to put up with yourself before you can put up with others"?

duopastorale said...

Lovely colour detail at the bottom.