The last of the light

Seems like a long time since we had real July weather. Yesterday the rain finally stopped, the sun shone brightly and the temperature made it into the 30s (Celsius -- about 80 F). I took this photo just as the sun was disappearing behind the Geissberg ridge. You've seen the slope in the background in other posts on this blog. The bicyclist, if you make him or her out in the lower right corner, is on Hauptstrasse.

For a photo of ripe wheat, or something related, take a trip to the overflow site.



Lothiane said...

A nice photo. I really like the light!

It was the same here... just raining, but yesterday it stopped and the sun came out for a short visit. Today it's raining again. :(

Chuckeroon said...

Parrots....I think they go for the mortar for roughage. The 17c mortar is a lime based based product unlike modern cement (don't ask me more, 'cos I don't know). I have not heard any theory about the putty...but they do love it.

The wheat looks a bit sad. Expect good sales of fungicidal seed treatment to go onto the coming October planting. The new seeds are bound to have a high level of seed born infection caused by the bad weather. This infection can even result in whole fields catching fire next summer if its dry!!! Scary, eh? We townies don't know that we live on a knife edge of near starvation because the wheat fields might suddenly explode next year. The Romans knew this and developed a way of treating the seeds, thus saving the world!!!!

Janet said...

Nice photo. Hope the sun shines againt today.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful. Is it really humid there? the photo makes it appear that it is

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

How green your valley is ...Beautiful :)

Z said...

Lothiane: We're still basking in the sunn -- maybe I should say "cooking".

Chuckeroon: Combusting wheat? Yikes@

Dan: No, it wasn't so humid when I took the photo.

Rambling Round and Moi: Thank you!

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful photo--you've captured softness and light in it. The scenery is beautiful as well.