The boots in Summer

Remember these on the PSI campus (link follows if you don't)? In the Summer, the pulsating water jets make the boots in the Liegende Figur "walk". I'd like to get a time-lapse image, but there is just too much light when the thing is in operation and I don't have the appropriate filters.
These boots were made for ...



claude said...

If I understand well, those are moving boots. Is it art ?

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Now THIS is a familiar sight at the moment here in Tewkesbury!

Anonymous said...

never mind time lapse - this is a surreal image

Z said...

Claude: Yes, the boots move up and down as the water jets pulsate. Roman Signer, a Swiss artist, specializes in these art works that incorporate motion.

Lynn: The new photos from your area look pretty bad, as do the estimates of the cost of the damage.

Richard: Have you seen other examples of Signer's work? I actually haven't. Seems to be a little like Tinguely in a way, incorporating action in this work.

Lavenderlady said...

Ha! What a fun piece of art.

travelphilippines said...

hehe cool

Z said...

LavenderLady and TravelPhillipines: I, too, find it amusing. I'm not sure if there's a particular significance, though I can come up with one or two "theories".

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard of Signer, z. Need to look out for him, as you say he seems to have a sense of fun like Tinguely. (although T also has a deeply serious side)

Ann (MobayDP) said...

Now that is a clever & creative "statue"!