Excursion: Lago Lugano

I've been inspired by yesterday's theme day to show you some places that I've visited in Switzerland. Ticino (Tessin auf Deutsch) is the Italian-speaking canton in the south east (old post briefly touching on the languages of Switzerland: 20070127). There are two large lakes there, Maggiore and Lugano. I've been to the town of Lugano twice (it takes 4 hours to get there from Villigen with public transportation). Once in the winter (top photo) and once in early summer (second photo). Simply gorgeous both times!

The first photo was not actually taken in Lugano, but in one of the smaller towns around the lake. If memory serves it was Morcote (map), on the way to Montagnola (map) where Hermann Hesse lived from 1919 until his death in 1962. It was in Montagnola that he wrote Der Steppenwolf and Das Glasperlenspiel (The Glass Bead Game), among others. The Hermann Hesse museum (website has an English version) is located there.

The photo below is from Lugano, taken at the Parco Civico on the waterfront (map).

20061103 and 20060602 Canon Powershot S410


Kate said...

You framed the lake and the mountain beautifully!

alice said...

I would want to be IN the photo...

angela said...

Such tranquillity...I've always wanted to visit Lugano.

Anonymous said...

Your photographs are very pretty and your narrative is good to read too.

Chuckeroon said...

No cows here.........as you can see, after the winter rest and the Spring growth the Petersham Meadows are well ready for hearing "ripping". ;-)

Deb said...

So beautiful! You've captured everything perfectly!!