Restaurant Schlossberg

Let's turn around at yesterday's location and walk back a little bit to look at Restaurant Schlossberg. Notice how narrow the sidewalk becomes next to the building? It always makes me nervous to walk along that bit, given the trucks and assorted farm machinery that rumble through there.

The pizza toting guy with the sign is alerting people to the fact that their kitchen operates through-out the day (durchgehend translates as non-stop) so that one can get a hot meal at any time. At most restaurants, if you go between lunch and dinner times, you can order only pastries or maybe things like sandwiches to accompany your coffee. I haven't been to this establishment, so I can't say anything about them. They serve Rösti dishes as a specialty according to a sign on the other side of the building.



Anonymous said...

I like this series of photos that maps out the town. I can relate easily to them of course, but I think even for others around the globe it's building up a really good picture of what a small Swiss village is like

Anonymous said...

I think the little signs and explanations are helpful in understanding the community. And your photos are always very good.

Abraham Lincoln

ohle said...

..love the picture :-)

Chuckeroon said...

Richard's right, but are we going to get "the cafe's of Villigen 4,231?" ;-)

Seriously, it is nice getting the "geography of the place". I've got another little "the ??? of Richmond " in building

Z said...

Richard: Actually, I wonder how the villages in the non-German parts look. I've driven through some, but might not have been sensitive to the differences. So far, one thing I've gathered is that the public transportation is organized best in the Swiss-German parts.

Abraham: Thanks for the lovely compliment! Means a great deal!

Ohle: Glad you like it.

'roon: Erm, we'll be done by the end of the week. And that's *if* I show pictures of the food.

Ming the Merciless said...

I enjoyed the lovely walk through the town in your photos.

You mentioned something that I've always heard of but don't think of too much, that is some restaurants do not serve meals all day long.

I love diners here in the US because they serve breakfast all day long. You can get eggs and sausages even at 10 PM at night.