Fasnachtsumzug: fun for all (VIII)

Continuing with photos from the parade. These two women were going around with funny props and a Polaroid camera and were randomly picking people to photograph. We were standing near a couple of police officers and one of them was selected for a photo. It was somehow endearing, how game he was.

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Gaëlle said...

You might have had a good laugh seeing that!

Dsole said...

Oh! at the first time I see your photo in the portal I thougth it was something like a fight between someone and a policeman! But then I realised it's so much funny!!
Nice carnival pics Z!

Pat said...

Fantastic vibrant colours in today's shot!

My granddaughter just flew to Zurich on Saturday where she will be staying for 3 months as an exchange student. Not sure of the town or village she's in.

Ming the Merciless said...

Love his little hat!! He's definitely in a festive mood.

Z said...

Hi orange and dsole: it was funny and cute at the same time.

pat: I hope your granddaughter enjoys her stay in Zürich. She's a high-schooler?

ming: the hat was part of the "accessories" the ladies had with them. They also had a large, golden picture frame which they had the subjects hold up for the photo.