Luxemburgerli: Bitte sofort geniessen

(Inspired by Ming's Tisserie (NYC) and then reinforced by Sara's posts). Sprüngli (est. 1836) is a chocolate and pastry establishment in Zürich with a handful of shops around the immediate area. One of their specialties is the Luxemburgerli (1957): macarons that come in all sorts of flavors. Because they're such delicate confections and should be consumed within a few days of manufacture, they're not shipped outside Switzerland. I recently picked up some vanilla, coffee (called mocca here) and chocolate ones (from bottom to top). Boring, but yummy nonetheless.

Sprüngli ist eine Confiserie (Feingebäck- und Schokoladen- Hersteller) in Zürich. Eine von ihren Spezialitäten sind Luxemburgerli: Makrönli in verschiedenen Aromen. Sie sind sehr delikat und sollten sofort genossen worden, darum werden sie ausserhalb der Schweiz nicht verkauft. Im Bild rechts sieht man je ein Luxemburgerli mit Vanille, Mocca und Schokolade (von unten nach oben).

20070123 modified


Ming the Merciless said...

Love your photo of luxemburgerli. I miss it soooo much!! The last time I had it was two years ago when I asked my friend to bring me some on her way back from Zurich. I even told her exactly where the store is. :-)

Andrea Gerák said...

Ja, Sprüngli is very yummy! I was also living in Züri for a while. Mmmm...