Update: Retitled Rough time for the Gnomes of Zürich. Credit goes to my reader Local Insider. - 10 April 2009
(I think this is a photo in search of a caption. What's your contribution? The one to make me laugh the longest will receive a postcard from Villigen).
"Okay, that's the last time I use Travelocity to book my trip!"
now how cute is that? lol
Superb shot...love the basket
Strange looking flower you have there.
this is great. Very creative.
I like finding a good bargain on Travelocity, but there are limits!
No, I am not a Jack-in-the-box, but I could be.
I love this photo..
"Where's Waldo?"
How about "rough time for the Gnomes of Zurich"?
Thanks for the entries, people!
Local Insider: Mean and perfect, I think you've got it! Made me chuckle all through the day.
Safer in a bucket than out on a limb.
I'm flattered - let's have a drink on that, Tset ... I'll be outside all Easter, find me between the lamas and the rabbits ;-)
Local: It's definitely the weather to be outside all day. We're hiking all over the place so if we go by the llamas and rabbits we'll be sure to stop and say hello.
This gnome want going in the forest
peek a boo!!!!
ok this may not make you laugh, let alone laugh hardest...and i know its too late for entries....but i can not , just can not, resist caption contests :)
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