Snowy rooftops



Tanya Breese said...

Lovely snow topped roofs!

Virginia said...

this is gorgeous. Looks like an Andrew Wyeth painting to me. Bravo Z!!!!!

Julie said...

You have done angles of rooflines before, Z, but nothing quite like this. Being from Australia, I find it a challenge to comprehend living under these weather conditions. Today here in Sydney, it will get to about 27C and we are expecting a major thunderstorm in the evening - typical summer's day.

claude said...

Snowy nothing over here. I like your two previous pictures. MERRY CHRISTMAS, Z. In the snow !

CeciliaGallerani said...

This is beautifully composed. I imagine myself in a cozy garret looking out at this scene.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

isnt it beautiful when all of them are painted white without any discrimination........i am so loving the winters here in Mid west :)