No horses

Seen at the entrance to a path down to neighboring Stilli. Today, is theme day for the CDP community. Please visit the portal to find out what members all over the world have selected to show as forbidden activities in their areas.

Some of my visitors were tickled by an earlier post showing a 'no tank on bridge' sign. If you missed it, you can see it by clicking here.



crittoria said...

Too funny that there are other "No Horses" signs today! Thanks for checking out mine. Why no horses on this trail?

Z said...

It's very steep, and there are steps cut into the ground and buttressed with planks. I'm thinking it has to do with the safety of the horses, but then again, maybe it has more to do with the possibility of damage to the path.

claude said...

Amazing sign !
For your cabinet from a smoker, may be you ought to let it open for a very longtime so that the cigarettes smell goes away. But I am not sure. I worked with smokers in an office and when I Put off my clothes, they smelt the cirgarettes. Beurkk !

Small City Scenes said...

I suppose it is to save the trail. My No Horse sing actually said 'No horses or motorized vehicles on trail' Same reason or because people us the path too.
Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a beautiful blog. Great pictures in a beautiful land. MB

alice said...

No horses? Even a tiny one like on this sign? ;-)

Eki said...

Wondering why horses are forbidden in this area ... You didn't say. :)

Eki said...

Sorry, didn't read the other comments. You have explained it there. Thanks.

USelaine said...

I've now learned that the red circle means the same thing as a circle with a slash across it! Nicely composed.