Picking strawberries

Today, I found a couple of people harvesting strawberries at yesterday's site. These wheeled seats roll along the spaces in-between the rows and above the plants. They can also be fitted with a sunshade to provide shade for the person.



Anonymous said...

Really! How wonderful! But how do they not get bogged? It would certainly help to avoid wear-and-tare (tear) on the poor old back!

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

ah strawberries - just going to have some with cornflakes and milk for supper.

Z said...

Julie: Maybe they don't use them when the ground is too wet...

Gerald: Cornflakes for supper? I've been known to eat Müesli, which I guess is about the same.

Dina said...

What a great idea, that chair!

Yum, I'll take muesli over cornflakes any day (or night).