Rose, snowed on

The roses across the way put up a good fight, though the freezing weather set them back a little.



Annie said...


claude said...

You have roses in Switzerland at his time yet ? Pretty snowed red rose !

Ming the Merciless said...

Poetically beautiful!

Sorry for the long absence. Work is keeping me from being friendly with human beings. :-)

Gerald (SK14) said...

I'm surprised you still have roses blooming - ours are long gone.

Chuckeroon said...

Unexpected picture...Nicely done!

Hope you saw yesterday's HH Interior.

Anonymous said...

there's something about distressed and fading roses that is very poignant. Much more interesting for the creative mind like here than one in full blush of youth

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

its a beautiful composition, Z !