Landscape with bread

I came upon this pile of stale bread near one of the barns that's still used to house animals. Seems they incorporate it into the feed, which I find a rather good idea as the bread goes unconsumed by people in any event.



Kate said...

Neither man nor animals can live by bread alone, I guess. Happy Sunday to you!!

Jilly said...

Interesting photo. I see people collecting stale baguettes from the bakeries. I presume they are also used to feed farm animals.

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Great looking bread. Lucky animals!

(I haven't -yet- featured Boston Cream Pies, but this one I found on Flicker looks good, doesn't it?)

Chuckeroon said...

I can well remember when some years after the war - 1945-ONWARDS - IT WAS NORMAL FOR pig farmers to come round and collect waste scraps of food (not much was wasted then!!)for feeding to pigs as "pig swill". I don't know what they do these days...seems in Switzerland it's still done.

lv2scpbk said...

At first I was going to say it looks good. Then I read your post about it being stale. It goods that it doesn't go to waste.

Tom said...

My first visit and I just wanted to say hello and let you enjoyed looking through both your blogs this evening, I will be back for more.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. And the photo is a fooler too as I thought it was fresh bread.

Bergson said...

It is the unsold bread of the baker; they seem intact

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Thanks so much for visiting my blog , You wrote about your love for Bernese mountain dogs, well I am really in love with this kinda dog. Its such a sweetheart and always kind to adults children , so I see you are from Switserland , than you see a lot of these dogs?

Come back anytime, I posted a lot about my dog on my blog but overall about HOLLAND and the area where I live "The Gooi" which is in the middle of Holland ,

And My passion is photography so I hope you enjoy visiting my blog:)

I 've never been in Switserland Not yet , So I hope your blog will tell me some more about your country,:)


Deb said...

...and now that the wine is opened I may as well enjoy some of this wonderful bread too.
Again-fabulous photo today!