Shades of grey

Another photo from around the Paul Scherrer Institut. I liked the way this grey building matched the clouds drifting over. If you missed yesterday's post, here's a list of previous mentions of the PSI here.



Bob Crowe said...

A very strong photo with beautiful concept and execution. Strong design, just-right exposure. This is excellent work.

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

Hi Z, Thanks for your comment and question about the city blogs listed at my site. I only had A-L listed because that's as far as I got before I decided to take a break. I've been working on it tonight, come back and take a look. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

(and add me to your list, please)

Anonymous said...

I had to look twice at your today`s picture and yes, I agree with strangetastes :)
I think, you have those Red Cloves over there, at least almost same.Thanks for comment at my blog!

claude said...

Very dark but interesting picture !

Anonymous said...

Agree with everyone about the composition. I'm wondering, is that where all the stray neutrons go......

travelphilippines said...

looks like in a sci-fie movie...

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

I really like this "grey" composition, Z!!!

stromsjo said...

This is one of my current favourites. Sober, sort of abstract. Very good, in fact.