
Across Hauptstrasse from us, there's a piece of land that's used as a meadow where wildflowers and grasses are allowed to grow. Yesterday, the first hay harvest was made. In the photo above, the hay is arranged in rows for ease of collection. In the photo below, the hay is gathered up. While summer Sundays are always work days for farmers, most of the rest of us get to enjoy the weekend and perhaps go biking like this person in the second photo.



lv2scpbk said...

Nice photo. Yesterday when we were going somewhere, our grandson seen someone's field like this and said; "someone didn't mow their grass right". So this photo reminded me of that. He's only 4 yrs old.

Olivier said...

voila une suite au thème du mois : le rouge ;o). belles photos mais je n'arrive pas bien a comprendre ce que fais exactement la première machine.

veiled one following the topic of the month: red ;o) . beautiful photographs but I do not arrive well has to understand what do exactly the first machine.

Bergson said...

I adore the photograph with the worker and the sportsman

which is more tiring

Anonymous said...

Farmers life can be a tough one, especially if you are one of the "crofting" type farmers we have around here. Some crops to tend, cows to look after, orchards to guard, always some fences or gates to fix. Satisfying if it's in your blood I guess. I've said it before but I like to live in communities like this where the passing of the seasons is an integral part of daily life. Even if I'm just lazy observer of it all

Chuckeroon said...

Is that one of the Rolling Stones's "fat bottomed girls" I see on the bike? Barley harvest is about to start here. You are ahead (more southerly). Expect more wheat to be palnted this autumn. The price is high because the world wide drought has hit us all....e.g. Ukraine, Australia etc.

Ref HH....One room is the chapple, one is an office, another is a staff flat. Another is a furnished "education room", and the two above that one are store rooms for archived stuff. So, all the fancy stuff is in the main hall and on the south (this is the north) side. What do you really want to see?

Tks for clarifying Homely...I knew it was different but not quite sure.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

is there ever a restful day in a farmer's life.....loved both the pics.

alice said...

Thank you for visiting, z, the trees you ask for are "tamaris", I don't know their English name, their flowers are of a very soft pink and they are very common by the sea.
I like this time of harvest, and its scent...but here rain and wind again and again.

GMG said...

Amazing: one would not expect to see farming in Hauptstrasse...

claude said...

Weather in Switzerland allows to make hay, that is a good thing, because here, farmers cannot. Some cutted yesterday and today it is rain again. Your pictures reminds me haymaking season is a nice one, when the weather is fine !

Ming the Merciless said...

Since I never lived in a farm, I am always amazed by farm life. This is a perfect example of it.

I could probably sit and watch the "making of hay" for hours.

Lavenderlady said...

I love farm scenes...it must be the farm girl in me. thanks for sharing this photo.