Street cleaning days

Every other Friday or maybe one Friday a month, our streets are cleaned. This vehicle pokes along, up and down Hauptstrasse (main street) a few times, and along the side streets.

I think most people are familiar with the stereotype of Swiss cleanliness. Before I moved here, I read all sorts of things about how obsessed the Swiss supposedly are with cleaning and was a little worried. Perhaps because this is a village rather than a town or city, I find that things are rather relaxed here. It's true that there's almost no litter around (which suits me perfectly), but not all the windows are sparkly all the time (which suits me perfectly as well) and not all the gardens are just-so.



claude said...

Very plesant to have some clean streets. It reminds me when I was little girl in Paris. Early in the morning garbage collection and that kind of truck.

lv2scpbk said...

I haven't seen a street cleaner in awhile. I live in a development.

Kalyan Panja said...

A well captured shot. Here in Calcutta also we have these cleaners, but they clean it everyday in the early morning hours only the major roads of the city.

Anonymous said...

Are the Swiss extra Godly? The only saying, "cleanliness is next to godliness."

Our streets are swept by a machine now and then and almost always at the wrong time.

GMG said...

Back to my weekend blog visits, loved to see your pictures. Street cleaners run everynight in Lisbon streets; not every street every night... Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

I know it surprises a lot of people but isn't it nice that Switzerland is actually quite normal? ;)

Ming the Merciless said...

I hate people who litter or deface public areas with graffitis.

Yes, I hear Swiss are very strict with the laws. Ditto with Singapore.

Personally, I'm okay with the law as long as it's for the general good of the population.

isa said...

HA! I'm guilty of perpetuating this stereotype - the absolute neatness and order is what stands out the most from my visit to Lake Lucerne...and the covered bridge, of course ;-)

Z said...

Ming: I don't know when the last person was prosecuted here for littering. There are rules on the books, but they're rarely applied and would make the news if they are. So far, it was probably the social control that prevented littering and other selfish public behavior. I think that's changing and IMHO there is less respect for others.

alice said...

We can see these "broom-vans" in Arradon too, but I think they often just lift the dust up...Of course, I find unbearable those who litter in the streets and dog's dirts on pavements, but I would not like someone telling me what I have to do in my own garden!

Chuckeroon said...

I'm developing a theory and will one day prove it.....the British are becoming the least polite nation and the Swiss are becoming the most laid back and sloppy

Unknown said...

We do have these machines cleaning in Singapore too!

I think the frequency in Singapore is daily!

I think that's because many streets have trees planted and leaves fall every minute! But we all like the trees :-)