Stilli fire hydrant no. 9

A couple of readers have expressed interest in seeing more of these hydrants and I'm happy to oblige! Here's one with a bow-tie, right next to the river Aare.

20070215 modified


stromsjo said...

This is fun! Who does the decorating? Are we dealing with anonymous creators like in the case of our roundabout dogs? Or is this sort of official?

Anonymous said...

Some has got a good humor there, they look so stylish :)

Janet said...

Fire hydrants in these parts were painted like Uncle Sam and Betsy Ross back in 1976 for the U.S. Bicentennial. Don't believe any are still painted that way, though.

Z, I see you are in Switzerland. Some of my ancestors came from Langenbruck a few centuries ago!

Meg said...

Oh, how fantastic! Do you have many of these? I love these guys.

Ming the Merciless said...

How adorable! It is sooo cute.

AinZ said...

Z- These are so cute! I've never seen these in Zurich or anywhere else in Switzerland. Are they only in the countryside or in Stilli?

Z said...

Per: haven't a clue. I'll have to ask someone.

Meg: I've found 13 so far.

RamblingRound: I haven't been to Langenbruck, I'll have to check it out!

AinZ: I can't say that I've noticed the hydrants everywhere I've been. So far, only Stilli comes to mind.