The simple pleasures

We're not home right now and I wonder what our cats are up to. Papageno is the guy in the back with the white bits and his sister Aida is the one sacked out.

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isa said...

Well, they say that without stimulation, the cats just sleep.
But I believe that they party when we're not around ;-)

Ming the Merciless said...

They are so cute! I'm not a cat person but your kitties are adorable.

alice said...

They seems to have a good life!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see your favorite photo subjects again!\. I imagine that they're having highly refined fun on their own. You know, poetry readings, watching movies with subtitles, and perhaps a bit of wine tasting.

Deb said...

What they're doing in your photo is most likely what they've been doing in your absence!
They also probably know that you're soon on your way home-cats have an uncanny ability to sense these things.
Save travels!

stromsjo said...

Cats are cuddly beings with character. Unfortunately I’m allergic so admiring them at this kind of distance is just right.

Z said...

We're back and the cats seem to be very happy to see us. Oh wait, is that just because of the feeding aspect? :-) Actually, they've been fed and Papageno is demanding face rubs as I write this while Aida just jumped off my lap right now. If they did have parties while we were gone, they're not telling us about them.

Dragon_rider said...

I wish I could sleep all day like that!! What a cute pair!

Ming the Merciless said...

Check your alcohol cabinet. If half of them are gone, you know what happened. They invited all the cats in the neighborhood and had a wild party.

blueboat said...

gorgeous kitties, I love the way cats relax