Arriving in Villigen early in the morning

This photo would have been perfect for the first post of the blog. Unfortunately, I didn't have it until early this morning, just as the sun was climbing out from behind the hills to the east. Over the next few days, I plan to post photos from along Hauptstrasse to give you a feel of what you'd see if you came to visit. (Map)

The "AG" in the sign denotes the canton Aargau. The speed limit is 50 km/h, about 30 miles/h.



Anonymous said...

You Argauers - you're just posting this cos you're jealous you're not in Canton ZH and can have a half days holiday tomorrow like Me and Ainz! (Whom I mistakenly called z in a recent post)

Sally said...

Looking forward to taking the journey with you!

Anonymous said...

An interesting post. I am also here to thank you for visiting my blog.

I will be back again to read and see more about your trip.

Ming the Merciless said...

WOW! The sky is absolutely beautiful! Nice composition.