zur Alte Musig

One of the things that really appeal to me here is the aesthetic of the signage used by shops, restaurants -- businesses in general. This shop is located in the old town of Brugg and is a place where one can get antique/old mechanical musical instruments repaired or restored. The disc looks like a disc from an antique music box, except much larger than what would fit into the versions that I've seen. Perhaps there were gramophone-size music boxes that used discs this large. Or maybe this is just a larger-than-life model made specifically to be a sign.



stromsjo said...

Always nice when someone actually puts a bit of effort into a sign. Beside the aesthetic aspect it promotes a sense of caring for details. Quality, if you like.

Z said...

I agree with the notion that it would seem that an attention to the aesthetic aspect would be linked to that for quality. In general, I have to say that there's been an overall decline in quality everywhere, and in my opinion, CH has not been spared.

Chuckeroon said...

Interesting...I had hoped to photo the music cards but it was too tricky - and frankly they weren't photogenic, just interesting to note.. They appeared to be huge concertinered blocks of cardboard about 9 inches cube. The music selections were marked on the side...."olde Time" "Oliver" "Tunes from the Shows" etc. Superb sound, roaring trumpets, thumping drum rolls, all thru the air blown organ