Altpapiersammlung (used paper pickup)

Our paper (for recycling) is picked up just four times a year. I suppose it's a testament to the relatively smaller amount of junk mail that we get that this actually works. Perhaps also fewer newspapers delivered to homes?

The pickup is organized through the various groups in town. Today's collection was done by the music group. The first lot picked up on one side (our side) of the street, while the second team was responsible for the other side. The two young men in the first group jumped up on top of the stacks of paper and one of them pulled out a cell/mobile phone as they drove away.



stromsjo said...

Looks like a nice day's work in a reasonable pace... :)

My paper is collected every second week and we put it in large containers with annoyingly small holes. The reason behind the small holes is that we had a couple of fatal accidents several years ago when kids played inside these containers and ended up in a paper compression machine.

isa said...

Bravo for recycling!

...and thanks for visiting my blog!

AinZ said...

Hi, I just saw your comment on my page. We must be on the same wave length--first the mail carrier, then the graffiti, and just this week I also took some pictures of the papiersammlung in the Old Town, but they didn't turn out as well as yours--it was shady so they came out kind of dark. I'll have to show them to you. Yours are nice and bright, and the trucks were all brightly colored.

seriously, only 4 times a year?! where do you keep your paper?

stromsjo said...

>only 4 times a year?!

Ever heard of the paperless society? ;) Sorry, just kidding.

Z said...

Per: what a sad and horrifying story about the children getting killed. But how small do the holes have to be to keep self-propelled children out?

Isabella: Hi!

AinZ: I haven't decided whether I'm going to use the train graffiti shot after all. But, boy, did they do a number on the carriage. Were you thinking of posting the Papiersammlung photos on your second blog?

As for the storage: we actually don't generate a lot, and what we do fits in a little storage room we have. Some of our neighbors use the space under the stairs.

stromsjo said...

The holes have to be very small. It takes a while to get everything inside the container. The accident was dreadful of course but I think we're overreacting. There is no way to rebuild the world in a way which would prevent kids from getting into trouble when their parents don't look after them.