Pond in Stilli

It takes about 20 minutes to walk to Stilli. The land drops down close to the Aare river (beyond the trees on the left). There are three rivers in this area and I'll talk about them later sometime. I don't think this pond is there year round, we've just had a lot of rain lately.


I've been learning German since moving to CH and I really must practice. This blog offers a good opportunity to do that. Starting today I'm going to try to write a German version after the English one. To those of you who know Deutsch: please feel free to correct me. I mean it.

Man braucht 20 Minuten um Stilli zu Fuss zu erreichen. Stilli liegt direkt an der Aare (die Aare ist ein Fluss und ist hinter dem Bäumen links). Es gibt drei Flüsse in der Umgebung, ich werde irgendwann später mal mehr darüber erzahlen. Ich glaube, dass dieser Teich nicht permanent sondern nur wegen des Regens da ist. In letzter Zeit haben wir viel Regen gehabt.



Unknown said...

Welcome to the DP family! You have some really beautiful photos. I'll definitely be back to your site.

Z said...

Thanks for the compliment! :-) And I don't think I'd go for the glitter seats..

Anonymous said...

Actually, throughout the time I spent in Villigen, I think the pond stayed that way, whether it rained a lot or not. I remember there were big fishes in there, and in winter we cuold stand on the ice.

Your good at doing the translation. personally, I can't do it anymore, just understand it. Practise, practise, sigh.