Week 13: Alphorns by the lake in Zurich

Saturday morning of week 12, these two young women were entertaining the crowds with their alphorns. Gratuities (placed in the basket on the left) were acknowledged with the cow bell activated via a string. I thought it was pretty cool.


Week 10: zum Hirschen wins Mini Beiz, dini Beiz favorite of the week

Mini Beiz, dini Beiz (loose translation: My tavern, your tavern) on Swiss TV SRF is a reality show where a group of people visit each others' favorite local eateries and vote on them. Our very own zum Hirschen was featured last week, and won the people's favorite. Well done!

Below is a link to the episode. I have no idea if it is accessible from outside Switzerland. If it is, please drop me a note to let me know, thanks!
