Looking ahead

Camping is a popular summertime activity and I've noticed many RVs with foreign license plates on Swiss highways. I don't know if they actually camp at one of the many camping grounds in CH, or whether they just pass through the Alps here. I also don't know much about the popular Swiss camping destinations -- maybe I should start by asking one of our neighbors across the street. They seem to be preparing their camper, eager to see an end to the leaden sky.

20070211 composite


~tanty~ said...

I don't know why but I love this photo. Maybe because of the grey sky? Happy Monday!

Z said...

Thanks! We had some crazy weather, with sleet and hail and strong winds and then the clouds broke for a while at the right time of the afternoon and the sun was just in the right place and I was able to get this shot. I took many photos all day, but this was the best because of the lighting.

angela said...

That sky looks pretty scary...a storm in the making.
Nice photo,

Nathalie H.D. said...

Dark sky, fantastic light!

I hope you follow up on this camping thing, I've always found it's a good pretext to go and talk to people when you're doing a Daily Photo.

Ineke said...

Wow, that is indeed a sky to run away from!

Z said...

Angela and Dutchie: The storm had been sweeping through with many faces all day! There was one of the loudest thunderbolts that I've heard during my time in Switzerland.

Nathalie: I'm not sure I'm prepared to go up to these people and start a conversation yet as I'm very self-conscious about my bad German.

Gaëlle said...

The peculiar light and this grey sky are very impressive I must say!

Z said...

Orange: The combination is quite striking, isn't it? Thanks for coming by.