It's a pleasure (always!) to see how you look at little, common things of our every day life and "transform" them with your camera to beautiful, hidden treasures! Liebe Sommergrüsse, Barbara
I can never look at wisteria without thinking of have always framed wisteria so beautifully on your blog, just like you do it with woods, and pretty cars and vineyards and........ :)
I started this blog in Jan 2007 as a member of the City Daily Photo family representing the village of Villigen. I'm a transplant to Switzerland and keeping the blog was a way for me to keep a record of new things I learnt while sharing with others. I was on a long LONG break, and now I post only sporadically although I still have hopes of posting more regularly. Thanks for stopping by and drop me a line if you have questions or comments. Camera and other information at the foot of the page. 20150322
It's a pleasure (always!) to see how you look at little, common things of our every day life and "transform" them with your camera to beautiful, hidden treasures!
Liebe Sommergrüsse,
I can never look at wisteria without thinking of have always framed wisteria so beautifully on your blog, just like you do it with woods, and pretty cars and vineyards and........
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