Gnome on a walk



Leif Hagen said...

Good morning, Mr. Gnome! Nice to meet you!

Halcyon said...

Funny! I hope he's not using the binoculars to peep in anyone's window!

arabesque said...

ooh! what cute lil gnome!
^-^ he looks like one of the dwarfs of snow white...teehee!

claude said...

Did you see mine ???

AB said...

One of the gnome of Zurich, perhaps?

S-V-H said...

There exist a pretty silly song in German: "Adelheid, Adelheid...schenk mir einen Gartenzwerg, mit 'ner Zipfelmuetze - Adelheid, einen kleinen Gartenzwerg"...

And this cute one reminds me to that song. Great shot of a typical Swiss garden accessory. :)
