Excursion: Arosa in Graubünden II

The little chapel up on a knoll.

Pylons for ski lifts are visible in the background. The lifts are in operation during the summer and people can ride them up to the peak, then hike down as they please.



Anonymous said...

What a stunning setting for this chapel. Is there a village below? Or, as with castles, is this a defensive choice of location? I like the idea of the ski-lift for the upward hike ...

Eki said...

Trully a scenic view ... the simplicity of the elements and the angle make a beautiful composition. I like your other shots in this series too. Villigen must be a beautiful place.

Greetings from Bandung, Indonesia.

Janet said...

Just what I picture Switzerland to look like. Great view.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Very picturesque image.

Halcyon said...

I really miss the natural beauty of Switerland. The first time I ever saw a mountain was in the Swiss Alps off the lake in Lucerne.

Z said...

Julie: Yes, there's a village below.

Eki Qushay Akhwan: Thank you for your nice words!

RR, Babooshka: Come visit!

Halcyon: That must be one of the best places to see mountains for the first time.